When the world changes through no fault of your own, how can you continue to achieve success as you pursue your passion? RockStar ReInvention is an inspirational experience, based in the world of music, designed to show us how to apply the RockStar Reflections to our own lives so we can find happiness and create opportunities in an ever-changing world.

Michael Oleszkowicz
Brian’s presentation is not only the most genuine presentation of all time, it is by far the one that attendees to this day still thank me for having him there. His creativity of blending music with his story only adds to the honesty and sincerity of the overall experience.
​Michelle Polivka
Vice President of Marketing
YMCA of Rock River Valley, Rockford, IL
This was our best annual dinner yet! Brian is genuine, humble and funny. Not only is he a talented musician, but a great storyteller.
While we are not all rock stars, we can relate to his story and find inspiration through his perseverance and determination.
​Jeff Woody
Executive Director
Leading Global Wealth Management Firm
Brian's story will resonate with any group in any business industry. He is humble and highly entertaining, and when you experience "Rock Star Reinvention," you will have a perspective and appreciation for what "perseverance" truly means.